Do Not Hold Back Your Patent Search

Despite smart phone being smaller than an office note pad and lighter than a cup of coffee, smartphone role in revolutionizing human interaction and the way they communicate has been as dramatic as it is far-reaching. The launch of iPhone in 2007 transformed the phones into smartphones. When the editors of Popular Mechanics drafted a list of “101 Gadgets That Changed the World” in 2012, the smartphone topped the heap.
Smartphones have come a long way since then and still have limitless potential. The big players like Apple, Sony, Samsung, and HTC are here to grab the bite of this beautiful creation. These Companies spend millions of dollars into research and development and years of hard work in order to make their Smartphone unique with state of the art technology.
However this whole process involves lot of steps starting from conducting patent landscaping, assess freedom to operate and by doing a patentability search of the technology they are planning to work upon. The patentability search is done so as to ensure that their competitor or someone else has not patented that technology. Add on a patent watch is done on periodic basis to keep them updated in their field of interest and help them to monitor patents to change their R&D and patenting strategy accordingly.
In spite of these precautionary measures being taken, it’s not very rare in a crowded field like smartphones to see company stepping on other’s toes, which can be seen in the above figure.
The consequence of this scenario is a situation where the infringing company either has to take a license from the other company or try and invalidate the active patent. The number of lawsuits being filed by these Smartphone players nowadays is alarming which means either the company being sued has not done an extensive patentability check during inception of their idea or the company filing a law suit has its patent drafted in a smarter way.
This clearly gives us an idea that neither the evolution of smart phone is going to stop nor do the companies trying to be in this race infringe each other’s technology.
Hypothesis is unless the companies pay attention to the extensive search and analysis for their ideation, they have to pay the price and cutting edge technologies continue to succumb to the law.
Einfolge provides extensive patentability search customised as per the needs of the clients.
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