If 20th century was all about, internet and desktop PC’s then the 21st century can be said to be of Mobile, precisely Smartphones. Mobile phones have come a long way, from the early 1980’s when Motorola launched the first cellular phone to their more
There are dedicated service providers who can provide you with unique combination of strategic insight, deep industry expertise and technology advancements.
With internet resources and free patent databases available, is a professional patent search still necessary? Find out how a expert patent analysis can assist
The UK IP law 2014 which is effect from 1st Oct, brought in some major changes in the design and the patent law to facilitate to better protect their IP rights
To begin drafting the specification, it's best to gather the issues raised by existing arts and what our proposed invention will address as a solution.
Grant of software patents has been an ongoing topic. Software patent laws are amended and is being evolved based on various case laws handled by the US courts.